Thursday, May 27, 2004

Some Answers For Rick

Hey Rick,

You had a few questions on one of your posts, so I thought I'd answer them here for all to see:

1) Do Russians have cars? Some do ... but none of the Christians, at least that I've met. We got a car tour of Nizhny yesterday courtesy of one of Masha's English students. He owns a construction business and is a 50-50 partner (he called it a "sleeping partner"; we'd call it a silent partner) in a bicycle shop. He has a really nice car. There are indeed lots of cars on the streets, very European in style. I don't know who drives them, though. Most people seem to take public transportation and walk.

2) Eye color. Haven't really noticed. But I have noticed that Russians are just like Americans in that they come in all shapes, sizes, hair colors, etc. Obesity does not appear to be a problem -- how could it be when so many seem to struggle to eat -- and many of the women are quite tall, including the teenage Christians, but I'd say they're very much like Americans.

3) Favorite color. My guess is black. It's a common color of the clothes.


Blogger Danny said...

Enjoy the BBQ and the grandson, Rick and Peggy. Have a safe trip. I miss you guys.

9:25 AM  

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